"The purpose of bringing all the written materials together in one document is to provide a single source for reading, studying, and cross-referencing the enormous amount of information contained in the separate documents. The Collected Works of the Wingmakers, can thus be read at whatever level of depth desired.
There is no specific order in which the material should be read. The idea is to allow your inner voice to guide you and when questions arise you may want to search through the collection for related topics that can increase your understanding. For instance, if you are reading about the Grand Portal and you want to review what else James has written about it, you can perform a search and explore other documents containing references to the Grand Portal.
The mature and wise “voice” of John Berges provides commentary and linkages to all of the WingMakers Materials, and really helps the reader understand how all of the pieces of the WingMakers story come together in a meaningful and powerful way.
As is often the case with materials such as these that provide a large cosmological worldview, readers can get stuck on minute details that don’t make sense to the left-brain, logical aspect of the mind. In such cases, it is helpful to release what doesn’t seem to make sense at the time and simply proceed to absorb the overall concept. Often the details fit into the larger scheme as our understanding matures." Collected Works of the Wingmakers Volume I & II, Introduction John Berges © 2013 WingMakers LLC

Collected Works of the WingMakers – Volume I (CWW) is the definitive collection of the writings over a twelve year span (1998 to 2010) by James Mahu—the visionary creator behind the WingMakers, Event Temples, SpiritState, and Lyricus websites, books, booklets, music, art, poetry and metaphysical papers.
This beautiful and comprehensive volume contains insightful introductions and commentary by Editor John Berges that provide context for the diverse body of material that James has made available. Considered by many within the enlightenment community to be one of the most esoteric collections of spiritual information on the planet, CWW is made easier to understand by Mr. Berges’ expert explanations.
CWW includes the popular “Ancient Arrow Project” novel, paintings, poetry, e-books, glossary and techniques for working with the materials. It is what many WingMakers’ students have wanted for many years—one book you can study, mark-up, and research.
The works of James Mahu are extensive, ranging from poetry, philosophy, art, spiritual novels, and papers. The Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. I is full-color throughout with an amazing view into both cosomology and personal spirituality. Any student of the esoteric works, will find this volume an indispensable part of their library. (Volume II will ship fall 2013).
See here the Selected Testimonials
"I will give you my personal recommendation. If you can, acquire the Collected Works of the WingMakers.
I know it’s an expensive book, but in the grand scheme of things, this material has a potency to it that, in my view, is unparalleled. Because of its sheer size and the fact that it’s full color throughout its pages, the Collected Works are costly, but it’s the best way, in my humble opinion to study these materials and really get to the core of the messages that James is providing to us. Plus, you get the piloting of John Berges who guides you through the materials, providing the context and connections.
The other thing I would do is to listen to the music as I read the Collected Works.
This website is a wonderful substitute for that experience, and it will also be a great way to learn about the materials, so for those who don’t want to make any purchases, check out all the sections, and see what emerges as resonant, supportive and provocative to your heart and mind."
Mark Hempel, Webmaster websites WingMakers,
Event Temples, SpiritState, and Lyricus.
* * * * * * *
Dedicated to all seekers
Of true equality and oneness.
"There is no key to turn. There is no holy mantra to sing. There is no formula to recite to become enlightened. There is instead, the human aspiration to express a genuine spiritual equality without fanfare."
Written on the back coverof the Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume 1
"Rely not on the teacher, but on the teaching. Rely not on words of the teaching, but on the spirit of the words. Rely not on theory, but on experience. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But, after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
— The Buddha
List of Abbreviations
Editor's Notes
Publisher's Note
The Wingmakers
The real import of the WingMakers materials is to, in effect, dislodge the person from the historical mind and move them into a sense of connection to their higher Self and the Spirit that supports it.
Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. II, Part IV, Sec. One,Mark Hempel Interview with James, Session 1
On a level that you have never seen, you are a holographic entity that is woven throughout all things, and when you touch into this feeling, you awaken a frequency of your consciousness that will guide you into our world. You have no reason to believe us, yet you know our words have no other purpose than to awaken a part of you long dormant. We are the WingMakers. We leave you in the Light that is One.
The Ancient Arrow Project
Dr. Neruda:“The best way to conceptualize who these beings are, is to consider them as geneticists who were the first born of First Source. The galaxies in which the Central Race resides are approximately eighteen billion years old and their genetics are immeasurably more developed than our own. They are the optimal soul carrier in that they can co-exist in the material world and the nonmaterial dimensions simultaneously. This is because their genetic blueprint has been fully activated.”
The First Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
Introduction to de book
Prologue - Crucible 826 A.D
Chapter 1- Discovery in the Desert
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance
Chapter 4- Initial Contact
Chapter 5- The Search
Chapter 6- In Trance
Chapter 7- ETC
Chapter 8- ZEMI
Chapter 9- Loose Ends
Chapter 10- Disclosures
Chapter 11- The Central Race
Chapter 12- Restructure
Chapter 13- Dissonance
Chapter 14- Reminders
Chapter 15- Sealed
Chapter 16- Sovereign Integral
Chapter 17- Mother Lode
The Wingmakers Chamber Paintings
Dr. Neruda:“I wish I could take people to the original site so they could stand before each of the twenty-three chambers and witness these wall paintings in person. If you were to do this, you would understand that art can be a portal that transports the soul to a different dimension.”
The First Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
The Wingmakers Poetry
The Music
Dr. Neruda:“When you hear the music in 384-bit resolution with the original paintings, standing inside the actual chamber in which they were placed, it is a very moving and spiritual experience. Unlike any I’ve ever had.”
The Second Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
The Chamber Paintings, as they’re represented on the WingMakers website, are translations of the real paintings. The original works reside within the Tributary Zone near the galactic center of the Milk Way galaxy. The original “paintings” are photonically animated by an advanced technology that permits the art to morph intelligently as dictated by the music. In other words,music is the engine that animates the painting.
James, from Topical Arrangement of Qs and As, Question 60, Session Three.
Introduction to the Hakomi Project Music: Chambers 1,2,3
Introduction to the Event Temples Music
Chamber One Philosophy
Chamber Two Philosophy
Chamber Three Philosophy
Chamber Four Philosophy
The WingMakers Glossary
First Source Transmissions
Interlude - Vision of Mantustia
"Our skill in governing our multi-dimensional realm is determined by many lifetimes of experience. We are creators in the sense that we produce our thoughts, feelings, and bodily presence in space-time as a result of our interactions with our environments and with our fellow human beings. Expanding this concept to the group level, James is asserting that the collective body of humanity is the presence of First Source in Its multiverse, which comprises the known universe along with its multiple dimensions." John Berges
Appendix I - List of Meditations and Exercices
Appendix II - Philosophy Excerpts of the WingMakers
Appendix III - Supplemental Glossary
Prelude —An Excerpt from The Dohrman Prophecy
James’ Notes to Event Temples Members
Introduction to The Temple of Spiritual Activism
Introduction to The Rising Heart
Introduction to the Project Camelot Text Interview with James
Introduction to Conscious Media Network Text Interview with James
Appendix One
Acceleration Exercise of the Energetic Heart
Six Heart Virtues Grid Meditation
The Virtuous Cycle Technique
The Neutral Heart Technique
The Rising Heart Visualization
List of Meditation and Exercises
Appendix Two
Commentary—The Place of Love in the Coming Era
"Attracted at an early age to all things metaphysical and mysterious, my life has been characterized by a search for a larger reality, a world of meaning and a significance beyond the third dimensional world of human beings. In all the books read, the esoterica schools attended, the workshops encountered, the study grips engaged and the meditations entered, and the service activities performed, none have been able to quench the thirst of my seeking without the presence of the heart. At the end of the day it is supremely obvious that heart matters."
John Berges
Living the Heart-centered Life
of the Sovereign Integral
The Energetic Heart and Its Virtues
Introduction to Living a Heart-centered Life
The Heart, Its Virtues, and the Dimensional Shift
"Activating the heart and higher mind can prove difficult because our Human Instruments, in most cases, are cut off from the energetic heart. Yes, we love our families and friends to a great extent, but too often this love is expressed at a lower frequency that does not exemplify the spiritual love emanating from our Sovereign Integrals, which we should not forget are individuated fragments of First Source. Activating this heart-mind system is as easy as acknowledging its existence, feeling the presence of love in your heart, and passing it on to all you encounter. This is not rocket science, for it is an inherent part of our nature as human beings; a crucial part that has fallen into disuse because of our reliance on the mind alone for our survival."
John Berges
Event Temples
Introduction to Event Temples
"The theory underlying this practice [six heart virtues Ed.] is that all human beings possess the divine quality of love as an intrinsic part of their psychological, physical, and energetic anatomy. A key factor in this definition of love is that it is energy—an intelligent energy—that all humans can learn to focus, direct, and transmit with intent."
John Berges
Introduction to James’ Notes from Event Temples
James’ Notes to Event Temples Members
Principles and Practice
Introduction to The Temple of Spiritual Activism
"The term “spiritual” as used throughout this collection, applies to any activity, religious or secular, that contributes, without personal gain, to the wellbeing of humanity and the natural world. Spiritual also includes subjective states such as emotions, thoughts, and intuitions that result in feelings of joy, unity, understanding, compassion, etc. These states, and the practices or conditions that induce them, transcend any particular religion." John Berges
Introduction to The Rising Heart
and Questions and Answers
Introduction to Mark Hempel’s Interview with James
Introduction to the Project Camelot Text Interview with James
Introduction to Conscious Media Network Text Interview with James
"The key tool that you, the reader, can consider using is the practice of the six virtues. By making this practice a priority over the seeking and accumulation of arcane and esoteric knowledge you can align yourself to the incoming frequency of the shift in consciousness that is underway. Then you will join with others who are serving humanity and our planet in the Era of Transparency and Expansion."
John BergesWingmakersTM
Questions and Answers
Appendix One
Acceleration Exercise of the Energetic Heart
Six Heart Virtues Grid Meditation
The Virtuous Cycle Technique
The Neutral Heart Technique
The Rising Heart Visualization
List of Meditation and Exercises
Appendix Two
Collected Works of the WingMakers Volume I and II. Copyright © 2014 WingMakers LLC