of the Collected Works of the WingMakers
We have covered a lot of topics in volume I of the collected works—a mixture of myth and reality, fiction and truth. Granted, the reality sections are challenging to the current mainstream view of the world and universe we inhabit, what we can identify as the “establishment” view of science and religion. For those of you who have traveled this far through this fascinating collection of ideas, this WingMakers multiverse, the combined myth and reality may not seem to be that far from the vision of your world, however vague and abstract, nebulous and idealistic those ideas may be. What we can say that it is a vision. Not so much a psychic vision, but one more akin to the vision of the Sovereign Integral, the Greater Self.
This vision is spaceless and timeless, it is eternal and therefore resides and emanates from First Source, a fragment of which exists within each and every one of us. And this fragment is expressed through the Sovereign Integral.
We might conclude in this afterword that the materials contained here in volume I (including everything beyond the written works) are designed to restore the vision of the WingMakers—to any and all entities who are ready to awaken to it. These materials have the power to call forth the eternal vision of First Source in humanity. It is a vision of equality, oneness, and wholeness. For it is a Vision is of the Spirit. It does not matter whether the scale of the vision is that of a two-year old child building with blocks or an architect designing a complex city-center; both Visions are that of Spirit.
For a Vision to complete its circle of fulfillment it requires a plan. This is the role played by the Lyricus Teaching Order (though this task is not exclusively the LTO’s). The LTO’s scale is cosmic and apparently ancient, older than our planet. The information in Part Two of volume II can be thought of as the basic plan that implements the Vision of the WingMakers.
As James relates in his writings, the disclosure of the LTO was brought forward by him to point to the fact that the Ancient Arrow Project is a work of fiction, a modern myth containing truths that reveal layers of power and control hidden beneath the skin of the world’s social structure.
At this point in history, we know almost nothing about this Plan and its details, but from the tentative estimate given by James, the Grand Portal will be discovered in 2080, so from this scanty information, alone, further details of the LTO’s Plan for implementing the Vision will be released as this century proceeds.
Plan is of the Mind. And even though planning is exceedingly important for any project to be successfully achieved, this is not the place to go into that aspect. It is enough for this afterword to know that there is a Vision of Spirit, a Plan for humanity’s unfettered spiritual and physical evolution in the multiverse.
The second volume of the collected works is all about the initial stages of implementing the Plan. We have already mentioned the importance of Spirit and Mind in this process. Part Three of volume II is all about the primary resource that every human being possesses for setting the Plan in motion, it is—human heart.
Summing up this part of the afterword, we have the universal Vision of Spirit, and the Plan of the Mind. The articles in volume II initiate this third stage—the Implementation through the Sovereign Integral and Human Instrument. The Sovereign Integral then becomes the driving force of the emotional intelligence that evolves our capacities to use the heart-mind system for the betterment of humankind.